What is the vision?
"To improve the quality of care for individuals, carers and families and to empower and support people to maintain independence and to lead full lives as active participants in their communities."
Our vision for whole system integrated care is based on what people have told us is most important to them. Through patient and service user workshops, interviews and surveys across North West London as well as adopting the National Voices narrative we know that what people want is choice and control and for their care to be planned with people working together to help them reach their goals of living longer and living well. They want their care to be delivered by people and organisations who show dignity, compassion and respect at all times.
Achieving our vision of whole systems integrated care in North West London will mean reshaping the way care is provided, particularly for the most vulnerable people in society. Care must be delivered in a way that brings health- and social-care together in order to improve the quality of care for individuals. Through whole systems integrated care, we want to improve our ability to work together in coordinated teams, thus improving the experience of care, the outcomes we achieve, and achieving financial sustainability for the system.
Our vision is built around three pillars that enable person-centred Whole Systems Integrated Care.
- People will be empowered to direct their care and support and to receive the care they need in their homes or local community – The system will be organised so that service users have more say over their care and when and how they receive it based on evidence and shared standards.
- GPs will be at the centre of organising and coordinating care so that it is accessible and provided in the most appropriate setting – This typically means convenient care close to home wherever possible and fewer urgent hospital stays.
- Our systems will enable and not hinder the provision of integrated care and ensure that funding flows to where it is needed most – The system will enable care to be delivered quickly and effectively, saving time and money by avoiding duplication.
North West London is one of the 14 pioneers to design and implement the integrated care systems in England. The whole system, including 31 partners from providers and commissioners across health- and social-care, is committed to a vision of care that organises the system’s resources around people and their needs. The central government recognises that this needs to be addressed and has launched the Better Care Fund. This fund will encourage a transformation in integrated health- and social-care and act as a catalyst for developing a new shared approach to delivering services.