Urgent Alert

From 1 April 2022 this website will not be updated.

  For the latest North West London health and care information, visit www.nwlondonics.nhs.uk.

8 October 2020

All documents can be found here

  • If you are receiving this update as a practice manager, please make sure you do share it with your colleagues, including sessional GPs.
  • Following your feedback, the password has now been removed from the North West London GP extranet homepage

Website: https://www.nwlondonccg.nhs.uk/professionals/coronavirus-clinical


FIRST ASK: Minor surgery DES has resumed. Practices who have not already done so are to resume minor surgery. In addition, if any practices carried out activity in quarter 4 2019/20 and have still not submitted a claim in respect of this they should do so now. For further information read here, or in the attached documents


There have been some queries from practices around whether the Minor Surgery DES has resumed. Practices may resume Minor Surgery, if they have not done so already. Practices will be paid as normal on submission of the usual claim form. A copy of the current claim form and advice on how to complete it was sent to all practices on the 5th October 2020.


In addition, practices will be aware that all practitioners providing minor surgery under the DES are required to undergo re-accreditation every 3 years. As a result of the impact of the Covid pandemic and availability of relevant training we have suspended this requirement until further notice.


SECOND ASK: Review the status of previously shielded children and remove them from the Shielded Patient List (SPL) if appropriate. NW London can send patient lists directly to practices on request. Read the protocol summary here


The ask to practices and PCNs is to use the WSIC Shielded Radar or GP records to examine the list of children (under 18 years of age) on the shielded patient list, and review those cared for within primary care with no on-going acute input, taking appropriate action as per the protocol document (also attached). NW London can also support the process by sending lists of the children requiring review directly to practices. If you would like to request this, please email nwlccgs.wsic.dashboards@nhs.net


For context, in a letter sent to acute providers and GPs on 8 July, the Department of Health and Social Care requested that GPs and hospital teams review all children on the shielded patient list over summer 2020, in light of new evidence from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). This  evidence shows that the risk of serious illness for children and young people is low, and only those with the most severe conditions should now be considered clinically extremely vulnerable. Therefore, following clinical review, most children would be able to be removed from the shielded patient list.


It is important that we complete the review of all children on the shielded patient list (SPL) and remove those who no longer meet the clinical criteria, so that in the event of future lockdowns they are not contacted and asked to shield unnecessarily, interrupting their schooling and family life.


Action: For noting, read the NW London Pathology letter here


You may have noticed in the national media overnight that one of the largest suppliers of diagnostic tests, Roche Diagnostics UK, has experienced major disruption to its supply chain, which is affecting NHS pathology services across the country. Although Roche is working hard to restore supplies as soon as possible, North West London Pathology are managing services very carefully. At this stage your pathology service is not affected directly and we can manage your demand, so continue to use our services as normal. We will issue further briefing should there be any impact to GP services for specific tests.


Action: Circulate the new COPD top tips leaflet to patients/contacts. The leaflet can be found here or via the attached documents


The London Respiratory Clinical Network have created a top tips leaflet for COPD patients It gives them 10 top tips to help them stay well in Winter 2020.


The leaflet is PDF'd but there is space for the GP surgery to write their contact details written at the bottom. The leaflet has also been shared with respiratory physicians.


Action: Read the key messages from the NHS and primary care in NW London here or attached


Action: Read the presentation here or attached

NW London CCGs, working in partnership with HIYOS Hounslow (First Care), have put together a best practice volunteering model, which includes documentation, content and learning.


Volunteers can support and up skill people in their communities (especially those who are vulnerable/in high risk groups) in a variety of ways at this difficult time, by helping them to use online tools such as their GP practice’s online services (e.g. appointments, consultations) and social networking (reducing isolation/anxiety). They also help people to manage their own health and wellbeing and/or book their online food shopping. Volunteers can develop their skills, increasing their employability, whilst building their own confidence and feeling valued and part of their community.


For upcoming training sessions related to Covid-19 please visit the NW London CCGs website here


Additional resources are also listed below:


Where do I access it?


NHS NW London COVID Network Forum website




NHS WLCCG Training Hub


No password, although can only join with an nhs.net email address

NHS NW London Clinicians Whatsapp group




No password

For more information, contact nwlccgs.communications.nwl@nhs.net