7 April 2020
All attachments can be found here
Dear colleague
Please find below the latest GP update regarding Covid-19.
GP extranet: password-protected site
As mentioned in Thursday’s update, you can now find the information in this briefing, along with the attached documents on the new North West London password-protected site page.
You can also review the full list of Covid-19 related service changes there, to ensure you have not missed any key updates. There have been many service changes at a fast pace, so you are advised to review the list online.
Website: https://www.nwlondonccg.nhs.uk/professionals/coronavirus-clinical
Password: NWLCovid-19
Today’s update includes:
- Message from NHS North West London Chairs
- West London Coroners’ Service guide to doctors on death certification and referral to Coroner (attachments x5)
- North West London aligned with NICE guidance on EOLC
- Secretary of State confirms process for control of patient information under the Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002 (COPI) (attachment)
- For information: Covid-19 Patient Notification System Letter (CPNS)
Message from NHS North West London CCG Chairs
ACTION: Below are two messages from all North West London CCG Chairs - one to put on your practice website, and one to send out as a text to all patients.
For your websites:
Good Friday and Easter Monday are normal working days and the practice will be open 8am to 6.30pm.
You will receive a telephone assessment and then a face-to-face appointment if required.
Outside these hours (8am - 6.30pm), or at the weekend, please call 111.
For your patient text messages:
Good Friday and Easter Monday: Your GP surgery will be open 8am to 6.30pm for phone assessment (or face-to-face if needed). Outside these times please call 111.
West London Coroners’ Service guide to doctors on death certification and referral to Coroner
ACTION: Use the attached guide documents for reference as needed
The Coroners’ Service has received many enquiries from general practitioners and hospital doctors about death certification and best practice in terms of attending their elderly patients who are in residential or nursing home settings during the pandemic.
The attached documents are intended to assist by providing information to doctors from the perspective of the Coroner. It is given with the caveat that it is not for the Coroner to advise General Practitioners how to conduct their practices; these are issues for the General Medical Council and the British Medical Association from whom such advice should be sought.
North West London aligned with NICE guidance on EOLC
NICE has published rapid guidelines for symptom management in the community, which is consistent with the Royal College of GPs guidance on End of Life Care (EOLC). The latter was shared with you in the North West London Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP) and palliative care resource pack, which you can access below.
NICE guidance
Royal College of GPs guidance
Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP) and palliative care resource pack
Secretary of State confirms process for control of patient information under the Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002 (COPI) (attachment)
ACTION: Ensure your practice is compliant with the attached letter
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care writes to inform you that he is serving notice under Regulation 3(4) of the Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002 (COPI) to require organisations to process confidential patient information in the manner set out below for purposes set out in Regulation 3(1) of COPI.
For information: Covid-19 Patient Notification System Letter (CPNS)
The attached Covid-19 Patient Notification System Letter (CPNS) and Covid-19 reporting poster have both been circulated to all provider trusts.
NB: Last week you may have received some files which were not clearly labelled. Please find attached the correct versions.