22 April 2020
All documents can be found here
Dear colleague
Please find below the latest GP update regarding Covid-19.
You will find this update with links to the files on the new North West London password-protected site page. You can also review the full list of Covid-19 related service changes, to ensure you have not missed any notices.
Website: https://www.nwlondonccg.nhs.uk/professionals/coronavirus-clinical
Password: NWLCovid-19
Today’s update includes:
- Message from NHSE/I regarding urgent dental services during Covid-19
- New form for IT requests: Covid-19 related work will be prioritised
- Safeguarding update
- Guidance for those involved in managing Covid-19 deaths
- Covid-19 payment guidance
Message from NHSE/I regarding urgent dental services during Covid-19
ACTION: Read full message here on how to access urgent dental care hubs
NHSEI has issued a message to reassure colleagues that urgent dental care for is available in London. The following process has been implemented in London to ensure patients can access urgent dental care:
- All NHS practices are expected to be providing urgent telephone advice and triage. Anyone with a regular dentist should, as a first step, call their practice. Patients should not visit the practice. The dentist will assess the patient’s condition, give advice, and if needed, issue prescriptions for painkillers or antibiotics which can then be collected from, or delivered by a local pharmacy.
- Anyone without a regular dentist may refer to https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-dentist to obtain details of a local practice.
- If, following triage by a dentist, the patient is assessed as requiring an urgent face-to face treatment, they will be directed to ring 111 where they will be triaged by the Dental Triage service. (Any patient that falls into the above category will be informed that they will be subject to a second layer of triage).
- Following assessment by the Dental Triage Service, if the patients need an onward referral, this will be made to one of the Urgent Dental Care Hubs (dependent on the service available at the time of call). The UDCH will contact the patient, and clinically assess them before any active treatment is offered. This is to ensure they have the correct demographic information and relevant medical history, as well as mitigating any COVID-19 concerns.
- Following remote assessment by the UDCH, if felt clinically appropriate, the patient will be directed to attend for a face-to-face consultation.
The locations are listed in the full message which you can access via the link above.
For further information, please contact the NHS England London Region Dental, Optometry and Pharmacy Commissioning Team england.Lon-Dental@nhs.net.
New form for IT requests: Covid-19 related work will be prioritised
In light of recent events, IT will be prioritising any equipment needs related to Covid-19. IT has changed the form for requesting equipment. They will now need you to answer the following: “Please advise how the equipment requested will assist with Covid-19 related work”.
You are encouraged to consider the need carefully when selecting ‘Covid-19’ as there is a high demand for equipment requests at the moment.
Safeguarding update
To ensure the safeguarding of adults at risk, children and their families remain paramount during this time, a suite of information has been compiled to help you stay up to date on the latest guidance and resources in light of Covid-19.
Please click here for the latest safeguarding information which will be regularly reviewed and updated by safeguarding professionals in NW London.
Guidance for those involved in managing Covid-19 deaths
The government has published guidance for anyone involved in managing Covid-19 related deaths. You can view it here.
Covid-19 payment guidance
The government has published advice for people who buy care and support through a direct payment, as well as local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and those who provide care and support. If relevant, you can view it here.