Self-care week
Published on: 15th November 2021
This year self-care week is taking place from the 15-21 November. Self-Care Week is an annual awareness week that focuses on embedding support for self-care across communities. The theme this year is Practise Self-Care for Life. Self-care is the actions that individuals take in order to develop, protect, maintain and improve their health, wellbeing or wellness.
The week aims to encourage and empower people to better look after their own physical health and mental wellbeing. In 2020, more than 900 organisations and individuals used the awareness week to empower their audiences. Empowering people with the confidence and information to look after themselves when they can, and visit their GP when they need to, gives people greater control of their own health and encourages healthy behaviours.
Some examples of the messages promoted during self-care week include:
· Good nutrition and regular exercise can help support general wellbeing and help maximise people’s immunity
· Supporting mental wellness by keeping connected, sharing how you feel and knowing where to get help if you need it.
· Understanding how to manage minor and long term health conditions
In addition to helping people look after their own health, Self-Care Week is also used to promote better use of the NHS by signposting people to the right service relevant to their health needs.
Resources available to support the week:
To support the week there are a range of resources available on the self-care website including case studies, logos and factsheets. The resource page can be found here.