Primary Care Commissioning Committee meets 18 November 2021
Published on: 12th November 2021
The next NW London CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee will be held Thursday 18 November.
This committee meets bi-monthly in public to ensure that the NW London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are designing and providing primary care services which meet the needs of local people.
The committee also considers ways in which we can improve how our services are delivered, and how we can reduce inequalities across the 8 boroughs of NW London, involving patients and the public on this journey. The agenda for the meeting will discuss matters related to primary Care development and transformation, population health management and inequalities and assurance to the committee.
We welcome patients, staff, residents, partners and colleagues in NW London join us for key discussions and decisions which impact healthcare services locally. Listening to the views of local residents and patients helps us to shape services into the future.
The committee meeting will start at 3.30pm and is being held online on the Teams platform to remain covid safe. Just one click of a button you can join the meeting from the comfort of your home. You can view the papers in advance, and the link to join in the agenda, click here.
If you would like to submit a question for the meeting , email us 24 hours in advance at