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Moorfields discussion session - Ealing Town Hall 2 April

Published on: 8th March 2019


Oriel is the exciting proposal to design, build and operate a new, purpose-built centre of excellence for eye care, research and education for Moorfields Eye Hospital and the UCL Institute of Ophthalm

It is a joint venture between Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL and Moorfields Eye Charity. It is proposed for services at Moorfields Eye Hospital on City Road and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (IoO) on Bath Street to relocate to a new, integrated facility at a preferred site of St Pancras Hospital.

A consultation will be held on this change later in 2019, but for now if you would like to hear more about the proposals and share your views come along to our open discussion meetings on:

April 2 in Ealing at Ealing Town Hall. 

  • Afternoon open session 2pm to 4pm
  • Evening open session 6pm to 8pm

The sessions are open to anyone who would like to be involved in the discussion about, public, patients, local authority/NHS staff, community reps etc.