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Milson Road Health Centre update

Published on: 16th December 2021

Two local GP practices are scheduled to move into the modernised Milson Road Health Centre in the New Year.


The Sterndale Surgery is due to move on Thursday 6 January 2022 with the Brook Green Surgery moving on Friday 21 January 2022.  Both practices have been discussing the move with patients for some time and all will be written to confirming the move.


The NHS has invested £1.6 million in modernising the Milson Road Health Centre, to provide better access to patients and improved clinical space, and more consulting rooms. This should also allow better integration between several local health services.


There has been a slight delay in the completion of the works due to further remedial work being found when building work started. This has now been completed.


Other services provided at or based at the Health Centre include:


  • Connect Health physiotherapy service
  • North West London Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
  • Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust district nursing


The works are being managed by the Health Centre’s landlord, NHS Property Services: www.property.nhs.uk, and delivered by Aspect Construction: www.aspectconstruction.uk.com. Funding for the project was by NHS England Estates and Technology Transformation.


During Covid-19 it is unfortunately difficult to have any celebratory occasion to mark the occasion, but this completes a journey many years in the making and we would like to thank all the many colleagues and partners who have made it happen.


For further information contact Deborah Parkin, Hammersmith & Fulham Borough Team, North West London CCG by emailing deborah.parkin1@nhs.net