Urgent Alert

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Help the NHS the NHS improve adult community-based specialist palliative care?

Published on: 11th May 2022

The NHS in North West London is asking local residents and stakeholders to join its model of care working group that will be responsible for designing, planning and the future model of care for adult community-based specialist palliative care in the area.

The model of care working group will be asked to look at the tremendous amount of feedback that we have received over the last few months as we have engaged with local residents and other stakeholders asking questions on what good community-based palliative care looks like to them and what other things do we need to consider moving forward.

Dr Lyndsey Williams, local GP and clinical lead for palliative and end of life care in North West London said: “We are inviting local residents to get involved as the only way we are going to succeed in addressing the feedback received and moving forward with this work is if we work hand in glove with those who have experience of the care received in North West London.  We are very committed to doing that through open and transparent partnership with our residents, patients and carers.“

The model of care working group will be asked to:

  • agree a common specification / common core offer for community-based specialist palliative care
  • develop a new model of care to deliver the specification / common core offer
  • map out how this can be implemented in each borough.

The work will draw on the national specification for adult palliative and end of life care, the previous North West London palliative care review programme work, qualitative and quantitative feedback from residents and healthcare professionals obtained through our engagement and further data obtained through the programme’s data working group.

The working group meetings will be weekly / biweekly for 1.5 – 2 hours from mid May through to August 2022. The first meeting will take place on Tuesday 24 May 2022 from 9.30 to 11am. We will require applicants to be able to commit to attending meetings every two weeks as a minimum. Meetings will be online via MS Teams and there may be opportunities to attend in person, if that is something you are comfortable doing.

Patient/carer representatives will receive the London Living Wage (currently £11.05 per hour) for time spent attending working group meetings, as well as further time (still to be decided but probably 2 hours) to read and consider materials ahead of and following meetings.  Patient/carer representatives will also be able to claim reimbursement of travel costs, where appropriate.

Click here to view the person specification.

If you are interested in the role, please send an email to nhsnwlccg.endoflife@nhs.net explaining why you would like to take part and what experience and skills you would bring to the group. The deadline for expressing your interest in teh role is Thursday 19 May 2022.

If you have questions or wish to discuss the role, please email nhsnwlccg.endoflife@nhs.net.

All residents will continue to be engaged and wider population informed of this group’s work.  Find out more https://www.nwlondonics.nhs.uk/get-involved/cspc